Sunday, May 9, 2010

What is Pentaho


The Pentaho BI Project is open source application software for enterprise reporting, analysis, dashboard, data mining, workflow and ETL capabilities for business intelligence needs.

What is Spoon
Kettle is an acronym for “Kettle E.T.T.L. Environment”. This means it has been designed to help you with your ETTL needs: the Extraction, Transformation, Transportation and Loading of data. Spoon is a graphical user interface that allows you to design transformations and jobs that can be run with the Kettle tools Pan and Kitchen. Pan is a data transformation engine that is capable of performing a multitude of functions such as reading, manipulating and writing data to and from various data
sources.Kitchen is a program that can execute jobs designed by Spoon in XML or in a database repository. Usually

Transformations and Jobs can describe themselves using an XML file or can be put in a Kettle database

repository. This information can then be read by Pan or Kitchen to execute the described steps in the
transformation or run the job.